DRYER Appliances services In Fort Worth, TX and Surrounding Areas

If doing laundry has become a hassle in your home, Appliance Repair Now can get to the bottom of the problem. We provide dryer repair services near Fort Worth, TX . Our experienced appliance repair technicians can work on all kinds of dryers, no matter the make or model. You’ll appreciate that with us by your side, you can get your dryer problems resolved quickly and efficiently.
Connect with us right away to get dryer repair services.
Home Appliance Service In Fort Worth, TX and Surrounding Areas
Common Dryer Issues We Handle
- The dryer won’t start
- The dryer doesn’t heat fast
- The dryer drum won’t turn
- The dryer makes loud noises
- The dryer has a burning smell
We have the equipment and experience to restore your dryer to top operating condition. Call us now to arrange for dryer repair services.

Dryer not heating or dryer over heating
There are some major reasons why the dryer not heating, it could be from a broken heating element or can be something very simple as the setting is not correct. The fuse is designed to prevent the dryer from overheating if the fuse popped it could cause the heating element to be damaged and cause the dryer to no longer produce heat. But keep in mind that there is a reason why the fuse popped if you cannot resolve the root of the issue you will waste time and money keep replacing parts that are not related to the root of the problem and end up causing main components like the control board broken
There are common reasons why units overheat:
- Filter full of lint this is a main reason and the most popular reason why dryer air flow not efficient cause unit temperature rising
- Dryer vent clogged
- Thermostat not working properly
No matter loud noise, humming thumping, squeaking noise or vibrating, there are so many pieces dryer to relate those noise occurring it can be belt not place properly, broken or worn-out idler pully and roller which those usually need to be replace every 3-5 years depend on how often unit has been use daily or it could be something really simple that dryer glides broken
The belt is a component that controls the dryer drum rotating, which belt could be flipped, torn, or fallen off matter this sounds simple to be fixed but the way to take the unit apart to get to the belt is very complicated. Most people are able to take units apart but are not able to put units back together
Dryer takes too long to dryer clothes
We would like you to identify first if your dryer not heating at all or if it is still producing some heat if the dryer still produces some heat but it is not enough causes the unit to take longer than normal to dry clothes that means the dryer vent is clogged or the voltage from the outlet to unit not proper if you know how to check electrical voltage by using multimeter to identify that electric issue or vent need to be clean or one more solution to identify is unhook vent behind your dryer and see if the unit still longer time to dry your clothes
This is the main reason why the dryer won’t start, won’t run, or not heating. However, you have to disassemble it completely because the fuse is located near the heating element.
There are some basic things like breaker tripping power cord damage or there is no power getting to the unit or a blown fuse.
Dryer tripped the breaker
As simple as it sounds if you don’t clean your lint filter every time you use your dryer it can cause overheat and make your dryer trip the breaker due to overtemperature or damaged heating element or motor can cause tripped breaker as well But sometimes it could be caused by the circuit breaker itself this component can be worn out over time